Hatchford Hotel
October 19, 2021
Hatchford Hotel
- Second round of auditions at VCC.
- Three people showed up in person and two more sent videos
- Just enough now to fully cast the workshop
October 12, 2021
Hatchford Hotel
- Big transpose and chord rewrite for “Whose Side”
- Also chopped out second bridge
- Unlike original writing, used piano instead of guitar
- Took all evening
October 3, 2021
I “took some meetings” today.
Hatchford Hotel
- Got bagels with Sabrina to plan the next round of auditions Oct. 19.
- Went to her place to hear Antara and Chris on their home soil
- A plan for my involvement in their album production is slowly taking shape.
September 18, 2021
Hatchford Hotel
- Auditions – day 1.
- Good news is two amazing actors came by and were excited to be involved.
- Bad news is only two people came by.
- Will have to push workshop performance back a month to give us time to cast the play.
September 14, 2021
Hatchford Hotel
- Sabrina has been roping in actors for auditions this Saturday
- I just culled some dialog from the script for audition sides
September 5, 2021
Adam Rabin
- I recorded basic uke tracks for “The Perfect Map” a few days ago and it revealed some weakness in the arrangement. I know what needs to happen now but I’ll get to it later.
Hatchford Hotel
- Greg and I found a few lines that could be punched up so I’m working on that today.
- Communications between myself and Sabrina are flying. I submitted a proposal to a venue for the workshop a couple days ago. Awaiting reply.
September 1, 2021
Hatchford Hotel
- Met with Sabrina to talk about making it happen
- Very encouraging
- Will probably start with workshop event
Adam Rabin
- Released “Here For You”
- Scott pointed out that I ripped off the guitar riff from Hoodoo Gurus
- I’m going to retroactively edit the riff to be “different enough”