Author: Adam Rabin
July 5, 2020
Adam Rabin solo
- While I had the 12-string tuned to open C, I improvised this little thing.
- One of the outlines I wrote yesterday could also have a murder mystery storyline added to it. So I researched the common formats of the genre and built onto that.
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July 4, 2020
- Using Dan Harmon’s story circle concept I wrote two outlines for stories? episodes? musicals?
- The D&D Club
- The Chicken Dinner
June 30, 2020
- Get Lost remixing is done. Just some mastering tweaking to do (fade outs/levels/etc)
- Didn’t actually record my guitar parts yesterday. Going to do so tonight. Promise.
June 29, 2020
- Get Lost remix project is 9/10 done (I think)
- Couldn’t find one of the synth patches that I really liked so I’m having to substitute it with a near (but not quite) match. If I end up happy with it then I just have one more song to mix.
- In the process of looking for that synth setting, I finally came across the high-resolution versions of the “What’s In The Box?” images that Kyle made 20 years ago (!). I’d figured they were lost ages ago.
- side note: I remixed most of What’s In The Box? and My Little Friend not too long ago with the intention of re-releasing them. Never did follow through on that.
- More practicing. Just about ready to lay down rough guitar tracks.
Sci-Fi Movie
- Reading first part of first draft of movie project I’ve been asked to score. Fun!!! Can’t wait for this one to … take off. (Can’t share any details yet.)
June 25, 2020
Another week round-up.
Chameleon in a Kaleidoscope
- Remix/remaster is done.
- There will be more bonus tracks than there are regular tracks!
- Not including the story from the original release because, well, it just wasn’t good.
- Now just finding the right time to release.
Get Lost
- Thought about starting some new recording but couldn’t be bothered. So I started giving get Lost a fresh coat of paint for release to the streaming services.
- So far the improvements are subtle but fantastic.
June 20, 2020
- DonnCherie came by for a socially-distanced jam session. Pre-production / rewrites for her album.
- Recording won’t begin until … you know. But there’s no saying we can’t start prepping and I can’t make some basic tracks.
- Note to self. Talk with wife about camera angles vis-à-vis the back of my head.