June 29, 2020
- Get Lost remix project is 9/10 done (I think)
- Couldn’t find one of the synth patches that I really liked so I’m having to substitute it with a near (but not quite) match. If I end up happy with it then I just have one more song to mix.
- In the process of looking for that synth setting, I finally came across the high-resolution versions of the “What’s In The Box?” images that Kyle made 20 years ago (!). I’d figured they were lost ages ago.
- side note: I remixed most of What’s In The Box? and My Little Friend not too long ago with the intention of re-releasing them. Never did follow through on that.
- More practicing. Just about ready to lay down rough guitar tracks.
Sci-Fi Movie
- Reading first part of first draft of movie project I’ve been asked to score. Fun!!! Can’t wait for this one to … take off. (Can’t share any details yet.)